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Author Topic: Advancement Tracking Website Question
Posts: 1
Post Advancement Tracking Website Question
on: September 17, 2015, 14:12

My pack is looking to possibly change the site we use for tracking adventures, achievements and rank advancement.
What website/software do you use? How much does it cost? What the pros and cons for the site?
Thank you

Jim Remley
Posts: 4
Post Re: Advancement Tracking Website Question
on: September 21, 2015, 11:38

Hi Cara,

This is a very relevant question as I am currently researching options for both our pack and troop. I can share what I found so far: - Our pack has been using this for 5+ years, and our troop for the past year. It does a good job of tracking advancement, and has a basic calendaring and email system. They keep current with all changes in advancement rank, and they do support the new cub program. The biggest plus is that they have a direct sync with BSA advancement, so you can be sure all your entries are being properly recorded. The downside is that the interface is very basic text and a bit clumsy is some areas. It is not responsive, so it is a bit difficult to make out on a phone. It is a reliable, but basic advancement tracking system for $45 / year, but I believe there are better options at this time. - This is a newer advancement tracking system recently aquired by the BSA. The interface looks very nice, and their advancement recording looks fairly easy. It is responsive and looks good on the desktop and mobile device. They have a tiered pricing structure which comes to about $1 per user. and while I have not looked at the extensive list of features, it is missing one which caused me to look elsewhere - a basic bookkeeping ledger. That being said, since this is the go-to system for the BSA, I expect many other systems will fade away over the next few years. -I am currenly evaluating this as our #1 option. It appears to have everything ScoutBook has, plus basic accounting features. This would allow us to get rid of our desktop quickbooks software, and have everything in one place (including service hours, camping nights, and rsvps to events). The only weakness I found so far is it's lack of a calendar feed to share on an external website or phone. It has a good looking interface, and it appears to be a substantial enough company to hold it's own against ScoutBook. It is also only $45 / year. When I am done evaluating it, I can post more.

All 3 websites allow for a trial period at no cost. Hope this helps!


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