Frequently Asked Questions
While the BSA has made some great training documents and videos in recent years, by their nature they are very generic in scope. This site is geared to share very specific information that is pertinent to every volunteer Scouting Position at the unit level in Orange County. Specifically, it will strive to answer the question “What do I do next?”. For example, if you have been asked to be a Treasurer, would you know what documentation you need to secure to process payments? If you are a new Outings Coordinator, do you know where to look for appropriate nearby camps for your pack’s family camp? Since the thousands of Scouters in Orange County have “been there and done that”, this site hopes to organize their experience and present it for every Scouting position out there.
Do you have documented job descriptions for your pack, troop, or crew positions? Feel free to upload them. Did your troop plan an exciting event that others may enjoy? Tell us about it. Even within Orange County, there are hundreds of different ways to run a unit. The more input we get, the better the chance other leaders will find the right solution for their group. No need to make your documentation “general”. Some of the content may apply only to your unit, but that is perfectly fine. Content is intended to give other leaders ideas on how to make their own unit run as well as yours. You may upload any of the following:
-Text (Copy and paste your document directly in the post)
-Documents in Microsoft Word, Excel (These will appear as links, but may be the most valuable to other leaders as they could be edited to suit their needs).
-Powerpoint Presentations
-PDF (convert your documents to PDF via Chrome or CutePDF)
-Pictures (that explain or show something)
-Videos (most kinds, that demonstrate a Scouting skill or instruction that other Scouters can use)
If possible, upload a “cover photo” that represents your content. Note that all contributions should be free of copyright and you should have permission to share. If youth are included in a picture, they cannot be identified with a name, and no last names of youth should ever be used. No political or controversial contributions will be allowed. All content should be safe for all ages and consistent with the Scout Oath.
Registration is needed in order to add any content or to participate in the Cracker Barrel Forums. All OC Scouters are invited and encouraged to register. Simply click the register link near the bottom of the left menu bar, or click HERE. Your registration request will be reviewed by an administrator and you will receive a confirmation email usually within 24 hours. If you do not receive an email, please first check your SPAM folder, and then contact .
No, all content is readily available to everyone. You can register in order to add your own contribution to the site, or to participate in the forums.
You may add any type of document that may be useful to other leaders, but you must me sure that it is free of copyright restrictions AND it is free of any virus or Malware. You can attach your document to your posting simply by clicking on the “Add Attachment” button near the bottom of the form (recommended for PDF, PPT, Word, Excel, and similar files)
Note for MAC users: files names should not have apostrophes, commas, or other illegal special characters.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, just think how many words a video can communicate! Sharing a video is very easy. You may do so in one of two ways:
– Method 1 (Recommended) – Upload your video to Youtube or Vimeo, and then add the URL of your video to your contribution. The website will automatically embed the video for you. For example, by simply pasting this URL from youtube:
you will see this video:
– Method 2 – Upload your video directly to this website by clicking the “Add Media” button. Follow the prompts to add your video to your posting, and the website will automatically embed it. Most video formats are supported, and the few that are not will will be available via a link.
You may edit or remove any of the content that you’ve added. Simply log-in, and then click on the “Dashboard” link that is shown under your name in the left navigation bar.
A traditional leader cracker barrel is usually time set aside in the evening to share casual discussions with other leaders. It has been the traditional method of passing along Scouting wisdom. Here on the OC Scouter, we provide a similar experience via forums (unfortunately, without the crackers and cheese). You can simply post a question in the appropriate category, and other leaders will respond with their wisdom. Remember to “Subscribe” to your topic so you will be notified whenever someone adds to the discussion.
Questions about the website or anything else can be posted in the Cracker Barrel Forums for Scouters to answer. If needed, urgent questions can be sent to the webmaster at .
-Text (Copy and paste your document directly in the post)
-Documents in Microsoft Word, Excel (These will appear as links, but may be the most valuable to other leaders as they could be edited to suit their needs).
-Powerpoint Presentations
-PDF (convert your documents to PDF via Chrome or CutePDF)
-Pictures (that explain or show something)
-Videos (most kinds, that demonstrate a Scouting skill or instruction that other Scouters can use)
If possible, upload a “cover photo” that represents your content. Note that all contributions should be free of copyright and you should have permission to share. If youth are included in a picture, they cannot be identified with a name, and no last names of youth should ever be used. No political or controversial contributions will be allowed. All content should be safe for all ages and consistent with the Scout Oath.
Note for MAC users: files names should not have apostrophes, commas, or other illegal special characters.
– Method 1 (Recommended) – Upload your video to Youtube or Vimeo, and then add the URL of your video to your contribution. The website will automatically embed the video for you. For example, by simply pasting this URL from youtube:
you will see this video:
– Method 2 – Upload your video directly to this website by clicking the “Add Media” button. Follow the prompts to add your video to your posting, and the website will automatically embed it. Most video formats are supported, and the few that are not will will be available via a link.